Youth & Family

"Remember your Creator in the days of your youth."
(Ecclesiastes 12:1)

  • Youth Group (7th-12th Grade)

    The youth are not just the church of tomorrow. They are the church of today. We want to be an aid to parents in bringing teens closer to Jesus, to each other, and to the rest of the church. Our youth and some our parents meet each Sunday and Wednesday to study the Bible. Members of the church host youth devotionals at least once a month in their homes. And we plan other activities throughout the year which encourage our youth and their families in fellowship, service work, and devotion to God.

  • Joy Group (Preschool-6th Grade)

    As with our congregation's teens, we also want to be an aid to parents in bringing the younger children to come to know Jesus. Consistent Bible education is a priority in these years in order to develop a broad knowledge base that will be used for the critical thinking about this knowledge base in future teen and adult classes. We offer age-appropriate classes for all of the children each Sunday and Wednesday. We also offer an additional Children's Bible Hour as an alternative for Ages 3-6 during the sermon portion of the Sunday morning worship. Members of the church host Joy Group devotionals at least once a month in their homes. The church hosts a yearly Vacation Bible School. And we plan other activities throughout the year which encourage our children and their families in learning about God and doing service work.

  • Cradle Roll

    We seek to teach Bible truths to our youngest students through Sunday and Wednesday classes conducted completely in song. Each month presents a different theme, including church structure, God's creation, and memorable Bible stories. Our babies love the multisensory classes crafted uniquely for the College Avenue Church of Christ. We also offer an attended Nursery to help parents with small children should they choose to use it during the worship services.

  • Intergenerational

    While some of our congregation's activities are peer-focused within a particular age group, we plan other activities and ongoing ministries which connect our Youth and Joy Groups with each other and with older generations. The early church emphasized the older spending time with the younger. We try to facilitate those connections in a safe and beneficial way.